Nomad Metropolises

A flexible mode of inhabitation under over-centralized urbanization

(Won the First Prize in 2023 eVolo world skyscraper competition)

Over-centralized urbanization contribute to the soaring of housing prices in major cities of the globe. Meanwhile, the opportunities in those metropolises also lead to more frequent migration, further exacerbating the burden of settlement. This project illustrates a brand-new model of our future inhabitation: One metabolistic agglomeration, achieved through mechanical means for flexibility, could formulate communities of all kinds and could be placed wherever the tenants want.

Year: 2022-2023
Type: Academic Project
Site: Designed in Wuhan, but replicable
Program: Residential Complex
Role: Group work for concept in studio, self-developed for materials in this portfolio

Nomad homes can be plugged into every station which will greatly facilitate the migrating people. They don’t need to buy new houses and redecorate; they can come to the new city with their homes, all their possessions, and a sense of belonging.

Human civilization flourished with the water system. In particular, many large cities have originated from rivers and oceans. By building the stations of Nomad Home next to the waters, we can carry our homes in a low-cost way, sailing joyfully during the cruise trip. The limited size of the home unit suits inland transportation of trucks, too.

Nomad life - Move from Tokyo to Shanghai with your home.

The existing house price calculation makes the floor area the only unit of measurement. Walls and ceiling usually serve the floor, but if we consider all of them as the interface equally, the use area will be three times larger. By folding the four sides together and allowing the house to rotate, we can enjoy a fourfold area in only one floor space, thus reducing the economic burden of buying houses.

S/M/L/XL : How the system function


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